International Bookings 

I want to have performed in all 195 countries by the end of 2050

How do I want to achieve that?

It is my dream to perform at hotels abroad in exchange for stay, so I can go and discover the country and everything it has to offer, while ensuring guests have the most magical stay ever!

  • Walk-around close-up magic

  • Table magic 

  • Evening events 

  • I'm also a pretty good waiter ;) 


It is a passion to let people feel the same joy and energy as me whenever I see something I haven't seen before.

I want them to feel these warm, exciting emotions of mystery and disbelief as their eyes witness something amazing and magical, something they've never seen before. 

"What better way is there to do that while traveling the world?"
- Marvin -

So far i've performed in: 

  • Belgium

  • France - Strasbourgh

  • Germany - Köln

  • Netherlands - Rotterdam

  • England - London

  • Spain - Tenerife

  • Italy - Rome

  • Greece - Crete

Can you help me add to this list? 

Do you have any ways for me to reach other countries or any contacts abroad? I'd love to have a chat with you. I'm fluent in Dutch, English and French.

Click the button below if you can help me achieve my life goal!

Any questions? Feel free to email, phone or connect with me on social media:


+32 4 97 50 84 05 

© 2021 Marvin De Buyst, The Traveling Magician